Our history

Welcome to Pedi-Sense, where we were delighted by the innovative idea of ​​the company that created the original foot alignment socks. Let us tell you the captivating story behind these socks.

The Pedi-Sense team motivated to bring alignment socks to the French-speaking world

In 2007, Kirtland, Ohio resident Eva Nemcik developed the original foot alignment socks. Having recently retired, Eva wanted to devote more time to her favorite activities, including yoga and tennis. However, as she intensified her practices, she experienced more and more pain in her feet. Determined to find a non-surgical solution to relieve her pain, she undertook extensive research and discovered that many foot problems were caused by poor toe alignment. Drawing on her experience in product development, she had the idea of ​​creating simple socks to realign the toes.

Eva developed a prototype that actually worked for her. She started sharing her invention with those around her, and everyone wanted to try them. This is how My-Happy Feet Foot Alignment Socks were born.

In 2010, Eva was granted a patent for her invention and since then we have sold hundreds of thousands of pairs of socks around the world. The socks have been tested by many yoga studios and practitioners, and the results have been fantastic, with many glowing testimonials about the benefits of wearing them in the evening or even overnight, for those who feel comfortable in them. easy.

Eva's philosophy was clear: there is no point in giving up wearing fashionable shoes or giving up your favorite activities because of foot pain. Foot alignment socks offer a simple and effective solution.

Wear your foot alignment socks daily for a few hours, or keep them on overnight, and you will see a gradual improvement in your toe alignment. They will also help stretch, exercise and strengthen your feet, giving you long-lasting relief. Of course, results won't happen in a few days, but by persevering and continuing to wear your foot alignment socks, you will notice a marked improvement in your comfort. Your toes will stretch and straighten, and your pain will significantly reduce. Foot alignment socks can be used as a non-surgical treatment for bunions, hammertoes, deformed toes, heel pain and to improve the overall comfort of your feet. They can also help reduce the need for surgery, by keeping your feet and toes mobile, flexible and less painful.

When Eva was looking to choose a color palette for her new sock line, she remembered her childhood and images of the People's Republic of China, where people mostly wore gray jackets, giving the country a sad look. and dull.

Years later, when she visited China, she witnessed a scene that had a profound impact on her. In a morning rain, she observed many people rushing to work, wearing rain coats of varying colors. They seemed happy and fulfilled. Inspired by this vision, Eva wanted her socks to reflect this same joy and be pleasant to look at. These socks aren't just meant to be worn after a day at work, no matter the color. No, they are much more than that: they are the true original foot alignment socks. When you look at your feet decked out in your favorite socks, you should feel a sense of happiness knowing that you're taking care of yourself.

We are proud to offer you the opportunity to take care of the part of your body that has often been neglected and abused for years. Day after day we wear ill-fitting, pointy, high-heeled shoes. We indulge in sporting activities such as running, skiing and ball, while regularly suffering from foot pain, without taking steps to improve the situation. We know we need to go beyond a simple foot bath, and in most cases there is no underlying pathological problem. Yet we simply tolerate these pains and discomforts.


The original foot alignment socks are the solution to your problems! At Pedi-Sense, we are proud to offer you these revolutionary socks that take care of your feet and allow you to regain the comfort you deserve. We were inspired by Eva's story and decided to share these socks with you, so you can enjoy the same benefits and satisfaction.